KitBuilders Inter-Mag Issue #64
Selected Pages


This site has been restored and archived for use as supplemental reading for Dan Stahl's course, Cyber Media. Dan has been the recipient of many awards for his work on a number of stop action films using 3d models. He applied for and received a grant from the Web Archive Project to recreate this website as a document of historic significance. Bob Sakayama's team at TNG/Earthling provided development and research support, and Lea Anders handled graphics and edited content taken mainly from Issue 64. Students can download the entire syllabus and reading list from the Art Department web area.



Editorial / KB "HotShot"
JTMC / Reviews
Dracula as the Wolf
Gepetto's Nightmare!
The Executioner
Werewolf of London
Welcome to Gotham
Swamp Fight
The Incredible Hulk
Anthrosaurus Rex
Count Dracula




Before we start on the editorial for this issue I feel I have to explain something. For the individuals who are not fans of KB or not fans of Barbara or myself please do us and the whole modeling community a favor and simply press the red “X" in the box in the upper right hand corner. I would rather you know nothing about something you do not care about than have to subject the other hobbyists from hearing your never ending complaints. What we do is very simple, but you would think we were attempting to pollute the environment with airborne toxins given some of the inappropriate & nasty criticisms we've received including insulting comments associating us with medical waste. We are not forcing everyone into accepting our claim to be the best medical disposal service- where biohazardous material can be handled and processed in your lap. Nothing involving waste management is involved, just great art by dedicated artists, so please look at our efforts in this light! We're here for the fun of it, and to share our hobby with other interested parties.

This magazine is launched for the simple idea of support for this hobby. In fact this hobby needs as much support as it can get these days since the hobby has allowed the few to drive the pleasure of the many. We have re-created the look and feel of the Kitbuilders Magazine into the new Kitbuilders Inter-Mag for mature modelers. It was not a decision that came lightly but one has to be able to create a magazine that is financially capable of sustaining itself. We never intended for this magazine to make money but we have no intention of financially supporting it neither.

Could we have continued a printed format? Sure, it was just going to cost a lot more and as the printed word slides into the past, printers have become more expensive to cover their bottom line. To tell you the truth I was never really quite happy with the way the magazine turned out in the final production. From over saturated pages to color corrections that were not approved by us, it really turned out to be a nightmare, and an expensive one at that. If you need an example of that just head to page 78 for the Swamp Fight and you’ll see how I intended it all to look.

The time and effort that goes into creating a single issue is mind bending. So consider this our contribution to the hobby. It is intended for everyone to read and enjoy and now can be viewed world wide for free. We’ll be creating articles the same way as we have in the past but you will notice that the print, pictures, and layouts are simply more intensive and easier to navigate. Let's be honest, we are getting older as a whole and this hobby is drawing the younger crowds as it should, maybe this will help. We'll be linking to Facebook and others and will work with companies for aps for newer devises which in the end makes it all the easier for people anywhere to get a copy. Did I forget to mention we no longer have to deal with the Post Office and their bimonthly price increases.

Now let me explain how this will work so the rumour buddies will not have to spend so much time getting it *wrong. Kitbuilders Inter-Mag is now FREE for anyone who has internet access. This means all you have to do is go to the site and simply look it up and enjoy. If you want to print an article for your use while painting a model kit, go ahead. If you want to print the whole magazine. knock yourself out. I just don’t think I need to get back on the mouse wheel for we have discovered there is no cheese at the end of the ride. This issue is launched in it’s entirety but future issues will be launched an article at a time. This issue will remain up on the site for 60-90 days at which time I will be working the next cover. Once that cover is completed and placed on the web-site the old issue will be pulled down. As articles are completed they will be placed up in which ever order Barbara and I see fit. Once all the pages are completed the Inter-Mag will be left up for another 60-90 days until the cycle starts all over again. Should you be incapable of saving yourself a copy dur- ring this time frame we will be producing a DVD that can be viewed on any DVD playing device. There will be no further subscriptions as modern people are what I consider the “fast food nation". They want it fast, cheap, and everything delicious and sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Let's face it, not every article is a Georgia Peach. Now you can pick and choose what you like.
I am not sure where this hobby is headed but I can tell you the buisness is equal to Solyndra. The Hobby can never die as you are asking people to give up what they enjoy, that’s not going to happen. There are some really imaginative kits coming out these days but it seems the prices are starting to rival the pre-paint market. You can take a lesson from Jimmy Flintstone, he sells tons of resin to needy builders at a fair price and everyone always goes home with a smile.

One thing I think that is facing this nation and all of us as a whole is the fact that people believe in nothing. Times are hard out there, we see it everyday. This hobby has always been something we could believe in but lately the dark clouds have moved in in seach of a quick buck. Time tells us they don't stay long, you just have to believe at least in yourselves and the fun this used to be. Theres a place for everyone who truly wants to contribute and Barb and myself have decided to give back as we intended from the beggining.

I’ve looked hard at this hobby, took a break and found the best way to support MY hobby without living off of it like a parasite. We’ve been here for you and now we can always be here as long as your out therelUntil next time...
“It’s your hobby....keep it fun!"



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A garage kit or resin kit is an assembly scale model kit most commonly cast in polyurethane resin. They are often figures portraying humans or other living creatures. In Japan they are usually female anime characters, and in the US movie monsters. But kits are produced of a wide range of subjects, from characters from horror, science fiction, fantasy films, television and comic books to nudes and pin-up girls to dinosaurs to original works of art, as well as upgrade and conversion kits for existing models and airsoft guns.

Originally garage kits were amateur-produced and the term originated with dedicated hobbyists using their garages as workshops. Unable to find model kits of subjects they wanted on the market, they began producing kits of their own. As the market expanded professional companies began making similar kits. Sometimes a distinction is made between true garage kits, made by amateurs, and resin kits, manufactured professionally by companies.

Because of the labor intensive casting process, garage kits are usually produced in limited numbers and are more expensive than injection-molded plastic kits. The parts are glued together using cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) or an epoxy cement and the completed figure is painted. Some figures are sold completed, but most commonly they are sold in parts for the buyer to assemble and finish.

The legality of amateur garage kits can be questionable as they are not always properly licensed and sometimes recast copies of kits are sold without permission